Tuesday, December 4, 2018

chicken pox

I'm aware that this day will come, but I never imagine the boys and the daddy would strike this together! Aww.. not so sweet for the mummayh. It began from the kindergarten, where my first boy got some rashes on his back and his teacher called me to get him immediately. We straight away went to the clinic and the doctor congratulated him for the disease, huh? Perhaps, his body gonna have immunity to this virus for his whole life and I received 5 days quarantined leave to look after him. Throughout those days, he was consuming a continuous paracetamol, every 8 hours and antiviral syrups, every 5 hours. Not to forget the calamine lotion after bathing, 3 times a day. Nevertheless, I replaced the lotion with neem cream (krim semambu) which I found out it is very effective to heal the rashes on his body and less messy. People said neem leaves are good especially when it is blend together with turmeric to be put on the rashes as it cures and ensures the skin spotless from scar, but I'm a lazy-mummy, so I just use the cream. Alhamdulillah, after 3 days, most of the red rashes turn to black, a sign of good healing process. To ensure his lil brother will be not affected by this, we vaccinated lil bro, and this cost us RM155. But our mistake was, we vaccinated the brother a week after big brother got this (we should have done this earlier when he was 6 months old or on day one of big brother got the virus). Thus, the virus already transferred and lil brother got infected too, two weeks later (a normal period for the virus to develop), together with beloved daddayh! The nightmare repeated and to see hubs in pain was the worst! (chicken pox in adulthood is more suffering). Restless time, but mom gonna be strong, always.

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