Tuesday, January 25, 2011


We can't say people who never voice out their worry and care toward us are people who ignore us. Sometimes, they care more than people who mention those to us. Actions speak louder than words, I agreed. 

Unlike love, care is something mild and soft. It is simple act yet gives comfort. A short text asking whether you okay or not during the time in need from people you love is care. A helping hand or ear-lending to ensure you to be in good condition after a harsh day is care. An honest story that leads to a relieve laughter is care. A supportive smile and loose big hug are care.

Care, we don't have to wait, it just come to you. Ease your day, return your smile. Care, you don't have to wait for the right time to give yours to other, you just do it.

Thank you, Care. 

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