Tuesday, April 3, 2012


N A G A S A R I. I never heard of this traditional kueh before, until I joined this camping and it became my group's name. Just now I was searching for its recipe and definitely will make it during this coming mid term break. Wee :D! The last time I camped was three years ago and to camp again, I sighed, in the beginning. However, the three days were beneficial and enjoyable [minus the cold sleepless night, mosquitoes-insect bites, mud masker and non-showering hours, eh..am i complaining? :P]. Special thanks to Ajun, K. Amy, Chai, Nik, K. Liza, K. Niza, Syafa, Wawa and Afezan for making this camping a great experience. To graduate as teacher from UTM is not easy because no matter what major you're in, you'll be trained to be an educator, technology ambassador, coach and also ranger. Hoho.


dear..honey said...

please make nagasari for me ea dear....wat sdap2 tao...!!!nagasari da besh.... =)

chumut said...

will definitely make it, sebab chibi tak penah makan. ngui, kalau sempat kita mkn same2 :D!!!!

asuramaru™ said...

nice shots dayas~
really love the ones that got flare~ =)

chumut said...

thanks nopal. flare is rare bro~! :D

Fiza Chan..! said...

humm, not bad jgak si berbaju merah itu ^_^ ^_^